Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gallbladder Removal...

On Monday November 30th my stomach started to try and kill me. To the point that I barely walk.
Tuesday it was better to the point of I could sit at the computer for about ten minutes at time. No more than that.
Wednesday I felt fine and started to walk to my mom's house, and about two blocks away the pain came back to the point that my normal fast walk of about 5 miles per hour was set back to about .3 miles per hour.
My mom was just leaving her house to come get me the second time, having missed me the first time, when she saw me two houses down.
She pulled the car back in and waited the next five minutes that it took me to get the three houses down, telling me that she was about to go out looking for me again.
I slept on the couch for a few hours, and when I woke up I looked up online what could be wrong with me.
The medical website I found had me take a survey which informed to seek IMMEDIATE medical attention.
So, my mom took me to the ER.
They did blood tests, a urine, and a ultra sound on me and x-rays, and said that they all came back negative, but that one in five will come back negative for gallbladder problems, and that I was to come back the next day for an MRI type test. and that I wasn't to eat or drink anything past midnight and not to take any pain pills after ten pm. They kept my IV in, it was horrible.
So, I didn't eat or take anything until after 5 pm the next day. They took hundreds of pictures of my insides, and the first two hours was just to say that my liver was still functioning and I had a fast acting colon. Which didn't matter either way, other than it blocked the pictures of my gallbladder. That's when they took out my IV. That's a long time to have a needle stuck in your hand.
After Scott (the guy who took the pictures) looked at the pictures he decided that I had a bad valve.
He had me wait in the waiting room to talk to Dr. Gardener (the doctor that saw me the first night in the ER) and Dr. Ashdown, the doctor who was to take out my gallbladder. As there were only two doctors who could do it.
Dr. Ashdown got my number and said he'd call me when he was headed back from Preston Idaho to go in and see him to talk about my gallbladder.
The next day, waiting for that call, my regular doctor, Dr. Taylor, calls me to make sure I knew what was going on and to tell me that he has my pictures of my gallbladder in front of him, and even though he knew next to nothing about gallbladders, he knew that that thing needed to come out, and he recommended Dr. Ashdown, even though I had heard some things against him. The other doctor that I could have had done wouldn't have even seen me to talk about it until the next Tuesday.
Well, about half an hour after Dr. Taylor called me a guy came down to the door and said we had to evacuate the house. So I go outside, in the freezing cold, windy and everything, and a different guy came up to me and says that they have to evac the block, because of a gas leak. So I walk down to the park.
So, Dr. Ashdown's secretary called me as I'm walking down to the park and asks if I can get down to the office in a half an hour to talk to Dr. Ashdown. I told her I should be able to.
I call my mom's office to tell her, and was informed that she wasn't in the office and would call me when she got me back in.
I waited at the park four about ten minutes before trying to call my mom again, and called just as she was walking in through the door, so she came and got me and took me down to my doctors office. this was at like two pm. My doctor and I talked for maybe a half an hour, before I flat out told him that I wanted my gallbladder out. He said it would be on Monday, and sent me to the front offices for pre-admittance, where the passed me from person to person to figure out payment options, since I have no job and no insurance, and found out that with the right paper work, the hospital will pay for most of it, and my doctor's office will pay for the rest.
My mom and I got back that night and found out that we were still not allowed into the house, at six pm. So we went to Winger's, and I, be on a clear liquid diet, made eating out really hard.
Sunday we had no heat, as our boiler was being replaced, so we went to salt lake to see my uncle Blu, I slept on their couch all day until we left. When we got home we still had no heat and the land lord brought us a space heater. it worked to warm the front room, and when we went to bed we used at ;east four blankets to stay warm.
Monday, the morning before my surgery my mom and I went to the hospital at at 8:45 like when we were told to be. Well, the nurse came in just after nine and informed us that Dr. Ashdown was delayed at a previous surgery that had got some complications in it, and there was one more before us, so we could either stay there and wait, or go home and come back in a few hours.
We elected to stay there, where it was warmer.
They didn't pull me into the OR until 1:59. And the anesthesia doctor (Dr. Despain, family, I know) put something into my IV and I asked what it was and he told me that it would just make me feel good and be happy, I said ok, and the next thing I knew was they were wheeling me out of the OR into Recovery, and it was just after two.
I talked to the pretty nurse that was there (I didn't find out her name) and after about 45 minutes she wheeled me to my room down the hall where I was to stay the night.
They put me on Demorall for my first pain killer, but since it didn't dim the pain in the least bit, I told the nurse and she called my doctor and he prescribed something else. Not that I remember what that was now.
My mom left for home at about six, to leave me to my own devices, at about 6:30 my sister and her dad showed up, with my favorite blanket and my favorite stuffed animal. It mad me happy to have my puppy and Carter's Blanket.
At about seven my dad and his wife, Suzanna, came, while my sister and her dad were still there. at about a quarter after seven, my friends Tanica and Nettie showed up, with Nettie's son Terrance. At about 7:30 my sister, her dad, my dad and Suzanna all left and Tanica and Nettie stayed until just after eight. I was a very good night, and I felt very loved to have so many people around me to come to see me.
I didn't sleep very well that night, with an IV in my hand, a pulse monitor on my finger, beeping machines and lights everywhere. The night nurses were very helpful, by putting the noisy machine in the bathroom and wrapping the curtain around my bed and closing the door.
The next morning I was released just before ten am. My mom took me to Smiths to get pain killers and fiber-full foods. about ten steps into the store the workers rushed around to get me a chair to sit in while someone went to get the wheelchair. My mom pushed me around the store, because she didn't want me passing out (which at that point, I very well could have).
And that was my week long experience with a painful gallbladder. Pray you never get one.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I never...

Showed you how my hair turned out with the red! oops!

that's the best I got!


Where am I Wednesday!
I know. V.V

I'm going to TRY to post a random picture of me in different places and I have you try to guess where the crap I am! XD
I know, I get around a lot, so, here's the first one:

It's a little strange, I'll give you that.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

All my greatest gifts

My sister, Kaleena, she is the BEST.

Sarcasm Is my first language, english is my second.

And what would life be with out swine flu,
great is what it would be,
but I want to be as cool as my Aunt Bev so I got swine flu.

Monday, October 12, 2009

New hair

So I've bleached my hair so that I can dye it red, and my friends wants to see what it looks like, so I take some pictures. Do you want to see too? Aw, you know you do!

look! You can see my eyebrow too! XD

Fetish Model.

Yep. That's right.
I want to be a fetish model.
I always wanted to get tattooed and pierced and I always wanted to be a model, so it only makes since that I want to be a fetish model XD
I'm going to get dermal anchors on my neck like this:

Then, I'm going to have ampire bites on the other side like this:

After that I'm getting a rose on leg that looks like this:

then I'm getting my back corseted like this:

I have more things in mind, there just aren't any pictures XD
Like, I'm going to have "sweets" tattooed on the back on my left shoulder with a bunch of little candy's around it, I'm getting a sleeve of Jesse and James doing different poses on my right arm. I'm getting about three more roses in various different places.

My last night

So, on a Friday, I find out that I have three hours before I leave Texas.
I like Texas.
So, I had three hours to say goodbye to everyone that I could. I got most of the important people in, like Tucker, Cara, Nathan, Boston, Lauren, Donnie, Rhonda, Clint, and Aunt Terry. I didn't get Erman (*sob*) Beth or James.
But, Jason and Jesse get me to Houston so I can get on a bus so I can get to New Mexico.
(Woot! New state!)
But, before I go Jason gives me a goodbye present!
He pays for Chris at 713 to pierce my eyebrow!
Jason Jesse and Boston watched him do it, I didn't even flinch XD

Erman Update

So, me and him spend all the time together.
We don't really seem to like to be apart.
Which is fine with me.
I really do like him.
And so we started dating.
I think I'm falling for him :D


So, Jesse met this lady, Beth.
She's awesome.
And the two of them were talking and they found out that they both had imported mormans!
So, of course, they had us meet!
I wasn't sure what to expect from another import, but he was from a different state other than Utah, so it couldn't be that bad.
So, we met. And guess what?!


713 is THE tattoo shop.
The first time I went was only the second time I had ever been to Houston, and I went with Jason and Jesse.
I met Tim, Dale, Mark, and Reh.
I watched Tim pull a dermal out of Jesse's chest and then had him make crude comments towards it.
It was great fun. ^^
We went back the next night with James, but they were really busy so we went to Nikko Nikko's. Greek food. It was nummy. hehe.

20th Birthday

My birthday started with Jesse and I asleep and Tucker and James coming in to wake us up. It was great wake up call.
We to Alvin to get Jesse's check which they shorted her on, but Jason invited us to lunch with him and he'd pay.
They first place he wanted to go was closed down. So we went to Hooters! They have a titties! (If you don't know what that is feel free to ask me! ^^)
Then Tucker and James went out to West Colombia to Tucker's house where my party was to be held and Jason Jesse and I (I know, there are a lot of J's down here!) went back to Jesse's house to get ready. We took forever according to Donnie who called a couple times telling Jesse to hurry up.
So we head out to Tuckers place and got lost (none of us had been there before) so we called Tucker who told us to turn around and exactly where to turn, then he left to meet us out at where we were to turn! Tucker is Awesome!
So we get to Tuckers and Tucker, James, Donnie, James, Caleta, Chris and Dirt are already there. Donnie was already having fun when we got there, and so was Chris. Donnie stared at Jesse for the rest of the night, when he wasn't looking at the lightening that this pagan I know was making and he got his rain which made everyone else happy.
James bought some stuff from James and shared with me and Jesse and Jason bought some stuff from James too and shared with James Jesse and I. (yes, there are two James).
At one point I became anti social and went out in to the garage for a while and the Tucker joined me ^^. James came out at one point and asked for my pretty blue welcome to Texas present. (you can't see it, it broke :P)
Then Jason James and Jesse left and I stayed the night with Tucker.
All in all, it was a good birthday :)

First day in Texas

So, I'm riding on this greyhound bus, having fun with some friends I've made. and me make a stop and the bus driver says we are in Amarillo Texas. And that's when I find out I was in Texas.
The NEXT day at 7 am I wake up to find out that even though we should have been in Houston by then, I have two more hours to go. it was terrible.
So at nine am I get off the bus and brag my bag and go looking for Jesse James and Tyler. But I can't see them. It was easy to look around. There was no one there.
So I call Tyler's phone and he says that they are in there, and Just keep looking, so I go around a slightly hidden corner and there they are!
So I give them hugs and James took my bag and we went to have REAL Greek food. It was yummy. They showed me 713 and I'm sure I'll be there a lot once I have a good amount of money coming is :D
Jesse drives awesomely! and we went to Jason's house and hung out for a while then had to get tires for Tyler's car.
And that was my first day in Texas ^^

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Temple

Like I already stated, I went to see my baby boy and his parents, last Saturday.
We went down to Temple Square and walked around. Rebecca and I kept looking around for the perfect picture spots, and, well, we found quite a few. I think it's in our blood XD
We were there for about two hours, which wasn't long enough for me, but, my mom needed to get home and Carter was getting restless. I hope I'll get to see him soon, though, and not as far away as next month :S

Here are some of the pictures:

That's my mom with Carter, when we first got there

That Rebecca and I with Carter, I liked the pool looking thing

That's me with Carter at an old fashion pump

That's Forrest, me and Rebecca with Carter in front of the Christos

That's Forrest and my mom with Carter right before I fed him

That's me with Carter on this little pedistool thing with the Temple as the backdrop, obviously.

That's me with Carter at that pump again

That's Carter in his ivy again

That's Carter after he calmed down a bit

That's me with Carter on this niffty little bench I found by the pool lookin thing.

That's Forrest and me with Carter in front of the fountain that wasn't a fountain the first time we went by!

That's Carter. In the ivy

That's me with Carter while I was feeding him
(I had NO idea they took a picture of me feeding him... I may have been singing to him at this time too...)

That's me with Carter near the pool lookin thing and the nifty bench.

That's Rebecca and I with Carter in front of the Christos again

That's me with Carter in front of the Christos again

That's my mom and Carter in front of the Christos

That's Forrest, Rebecca and I with Carter in front of the Christos again

That's Rebecca and I with Carter in front of some random water thing

That's me with Carter in front of a different random water thing.

See? Good pictures, huh? XD

Monday, June 1, 2009


In five days I get to see my son and his parents! yay ness!!


I got photoshop!
look at my proof!!!

By some of these pictures you may have gathered that I have red eyes now a days... well, I do!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Favorite songs :)

So, the last one was on songs that reflect my life, these are ones that I just love, for what ever reason, in alphabetical order, by band, of course :D

AFI: Miss Murder

Avril Lavigne: When You're Gone

Avril Lavigne: My Happy Ending

Bad Company: Shooting Star

Billy Joel: Piano Man

Bleed the Dream: Drowning is Painless

Bleed the Dream: Stay the Hell Away

Breaking Benjamin: So Cold

Breaking Benjamin: Evil Angel

Cinema Bizarre: Deeper and Deeper

Cinema Bizarre: Love Songs (They Kill Me)

Cinema Bizarre: How Does it Feel?

Cinema Bizarre: Forever or Never

Cinema Bizarre: Escape to the Stars

Cinema Bizarre: After the Rain

Cinema Bizarre: I Don't Believe

Cinema Bizarre: Angel in Disguise

Dope Stars Inc: Kiss

Evanescence: I Must be Dreaming

Evanescence: Before the Dawn

Evanescence: Surrender

Hinder: Far From Home

Jason Michael Carroll: Alyssa Lies

Jason Michael Carroll: Love Won't Let Me

Jason Michael Carroll: Angel of Broken Hearts

Jason Michael Carroll: Let it Rain

Lady Gaga: Poker Face

Meatloaf: Bat Out of Hell

Meatloaf: Paradise by the Dashboard Light

My Chemical Romance: Teenagers

My Chemical Romance: Mama

My Chemical Romance: I Don't Love You

Papa Roach: Forever

Paramore: CrushCrushCrush

Paramore: For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic

Paramore: When it Rains

Paramore: Decode

P!nk: Who Knew?

P!nk: Family Portrait

P!nk: Sober

Razed in Black: Dollhouse

Razed in Black: Visions

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Zydrate Anatomy

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Infected

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Cut the Ties

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Genetic Emaciation

Repo! The Genetic Opera: Chase the Morning

Repo! The Genetic Opera: I Didn't Know I Love You So Much

Shinedown: Second Chance

Sweeney Todd: My Friends

Sweeney Todd: Green Finch and Linnett Bird

t.A.t.U.: Clowns (can you see me now?)

t.A.t.U.: All the Things She Said

t.A.t.U.: Not Gonna Get Us

t.A.t.U.: 30 Minutes

Taylor Swift: Cold as You

Taylor Swift: Should've Said No

Taylor Swift: White Horse

Taylor Swift: You're Not Sorry

Zeromancer: Flirt (with me)

Zeromancer: House of Cards

Zeromancer: Dr. Online

Zeromancer: Send Me an Angel

Zeromancer: Two Skulls

Zeromancer: It Sounds Like Love (But it Looks Like Sex)

Zeromancer: Sinners International

Zeromancer: My Little Tragedy

Zeromancer: Die of a Broken Heart

Good thing I didn't add all of my favorite songs, huh? o.0